The Power of Habits:

How the top 1% reach goals.

Ten years ago, I found myself in a pivotal moment, standing before a boardroom filled with seasoned entrepreneurs.

This wasn’t just another meeting—it was my interview into the Entrepreneurs Organization.

If accepted I would be a member of the organization for the world’s most successful 7+ figure entrepreneurs.

Fast forward a decade, and the journey has been transformative.

The secret to my success, and that of many high achievers, is deceptively simple: habits.

Whether it’s growing a LinkedIn following to 40k, launching a SaaS startup, or maintaining health and fitness, the foundation of significant achievements lies in the daily routines we cultivate.

Have you wondered how long it takes to break a bad habit, like scrolling on social media for hours? Read here to learn more about breaking bad habits for good.

The Power of Purposeful Habits

Did you know most of our daily habits are on autopilot? We go through the motions without thinking if they're actually benefiting us.

Imagine if you could create habits on purpose.

But here's the kicker: it's not enough to just create habits. They need to be tied to a bigger "why"—your goals. 🎯

Ask yourself: Why am I taking this action? What purpose will it fulfill?

On the flip side, having big goals without daily actions to back them up is like having a map with no road to follow.

👉 Start by aligning your habits with your goals, and watch your potential skyrocket!

Here’s a simple formula I use:

  1. Define Your Goal:

What do you aspire to achieve?

  1. Identify a Habit:

What’s one habit that can propel you towards this goal?

  1. Track Progress:

How will you monitor and stay on course?

Action: Repeat this until you have all your habits outlined.

I don’t recommend tracking more than 5 at a time. As it can become overwhelming.

Read this Forbes article about the 10 proven habits of successful entrepreneurs. Hint, number 10 on this list might be the most powerful!

Challenge yourself:

For the next 10 days, I encourage you to track your top 5 habits.

You might be surprised by the impact.

Let’s build success, one habit at a time.

Stay driven, stay purposeful.

Till next week,


Free resources section:

Access all my top Cheat Sheets here. 

My weekly book recommendation:

Today’s book recommendation is none other than, Atomic Habits.

If you haven’t read this book yet, then consider this to be your sign!

Atomic Habits by James Clear