How to Plan and Execute Any Goal

Like a 7-Figure CEO

Hey there,

I remember the day, and where I stood.

Staring at my $3,000 monthly paycheck.

Wondering if this was all life had to offer.

I knew there was more. There had to be.

And I wanted it. But from where I stood… It seemed pretty impossible.

Fast forward to today: I've built TWO 7-figure businesses.

First solo. Then with a team.

I didn’t get lucky.

It was intentional goal-setting and inspired action.

Here's how I did it:

  1. I defined clear, measurable objectives for my life + biz

  2. I broke these goals down into daily actionable tasks

  3. I executed these tasks with ruthless commitment

Let me show you exactly how this looks in practice:

First you set a clear, measurable objective for your life/business.

(I use the SMART framework for this)

So all my objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

For you this could look like:

"Generate $10,000 monthly revenue within 6 months by launching a premium coaching program and acquiring 10 high-ticket clients."

Next, you need to break down this big goal into daily actionable tasks.

I use a method I call "Goal Laddering."

  1. Start with your big goal at the top

  2. Break it into quarterly milestones

  3. Then monthly targets

  4. Then weekly objectives

  5. Finally, daily tasks

For the $10,000 monthly revenue goal, you can use it like this:

Quarterly: Launch premium coaching program, acquire 5 high-ticket clients ($5,000 monthly revenue)

Monthly: Acquire 1-2 new clients (adding $1,000-$2,000 in monthly revenue)


→ Conduct 3-4 discovery calls

→ Create and share 2 pieces of high-value content

→ Engage with 20 potential clients on social media


→ 2 hours on outreach and relationship building

→ 1 hour on content creation/program development

→ 1 hour on client servicing and retention

Now you’ve got your big goal and you know exactly what to do daily to get there.

But having a plan isn't enough.

Success demands relentless execution and this is where most people fail.

Not you. Because you’re going to execute with ruthless commitment.

This week, I challenge you to define your own clear, measurable objectives:

  • What does success look like for you in 1 year? 5 years?

  • What specific milestones do you need to hit?

  • What daily actions will move you towards these goals?


  1. Write these objectives down

  2. Break them into weekly and daily tasks

  3. Commit to executing one high-impact task each day

  4. Track your progress and adjust as needed

  5. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small

Some of the most successful people you know aren’t lucky or even talented.

They’re just brilliant planners and executers.

And that’s exactly what you should aim to be.

PS: I launched a FREE WhatsApp community for all entrepreneurs (current and aspiring) on the journey to building their dream businesses. You can join here:

Until next week,
