Master The Habits For Immediate Lasting Change

Free Habit Tracker Templates

Hey there,

Ever felt like you're stuck in a cycle of wanting to make a change but never quite getting there?

You’re not alone.

The secret to achieving those big goals—whether it's building a thriving business, getting in shape, or mastering a new skill—isn't a one-time effort.

It’s about developing the right habits, day by day, week by week, month by month.

This is the secret most successful people don’t tell you.

They don’t just set goals; they build habits that bring them closer to those goals every day.

That’s why I’m sharing something practical and actionable with you today—

My personal Habit Trackers that I’ve used for the past 5 years to create lasting change in my life.

These trackers have helped me:

→ Stay consistent on LinkedIn and build a 65k+ following

→ Be a regular at the gym and achieve my fitness goals

→ Launch a whole new business

Here’s how to make the most of them:

Step 1: Start with the Daily Habit Tracker

Download the Daily Habit Tracker Sheet at the bottom of this email in your preferred format. (Iphone app, Notion or Google Drive)

  1. Morning Routine

Start your day with a checklist of key habits (e.g., meditation, exercise, planning).

  1. Habit Tracking

Track up to 5 daily, not more. Check off each day you complete the habit.

  1. Reflection

At the end of each day, week or month, spend a few minutes reflecting on what went well and what could be improved. Write a quick note to reinforce your wins and identify any obstacles.

Tip: Use a small reward system for yourself. Treat yourself to something special - a favorite snack, a relaxing activity, or an hour of free time doing what you love.

A few more tips to help you build habits that stick:

1. Pair Habits Together: Combine a new habit with one you already do consistently. For example, if you already drink coffee every morning, pair it with a new habit like reading 10 pages of a book.

2. Use Visual Reminders: Place visual cues around your home or workspace to remind you of your habits. Think sticky notes, wallpapers, or a dedicated space for your tracker.

3. Plan for Obstacles: Think about potential challenges that might disrupt your habits and plan how to handle them. If you know you’ll be busy on a particular day, schedule a shorter version of your habit to keep the streak alive.

4. Involve Others: Share your habit goals with a friend or accountability partner. Encouragement and a little friendly competition can boost your motivation. If you need accountability buddies, you can also join our free Whatsapp community here

Success doesn’t come from overnight changes.

It comes from consistent, small actions.

These habit trackers are your tools to make those actions happen.

Print out the trackers or keep them digital, but make sure to use them.

Each time you tick a box, you're one step closer to achieving your dreams.

I’d love to hear how these tools are helping you.

Hit reply and let me know what habits you’re tracking!

We’re going to be discussing this in our free Whatsapp community this week.

If you want in, you can join here:

Now, go make it happen. ✨

Until next time,

Noemi Kis

P.S. Here are my templates:)

  • Access the Habit Tracker in Google Sheet here 

  • Access the Habit Tracker for Notion here (duplicate it)

  • If you prefer using your phone, I love using the “Momentum app”.