Build your dream business in 5 hours per week while employed

Week by week action plan

“I want to start my own business but I just don’t have the time.”

If I had a dollar for every time I heard this, I would be a millionaire.

We've all got the same 24 hours in a day. The difference is how we use them.

I have been there. Working 9-to-5, handling family responsibilities, while trying to make time for a social life.

But you will never have more time unless you intentionally make time.

And you can do it in 5 hours a week. Let's break it down:

Week 1: Find an idea

  • List 3 skills you have that give you an edge

  • Identify 3 growing trends in your area of interest

  • Write down 3 problems you have noticed in your circle

Find the sweet spot where your unique skills meet emerging needs or problems to solve.

Week 2: Test it quickly

  • Create a simple landing page for your idea (use tools like Carrd)

  • Run a $20 ad campaign on social media to test interest

  • Or post about it on social and see what traction you get

Week 3: Create your minimum viable offer

  • Design the simplest version of your product/service that solves the core problem

  • 1 problem - 1 target customer - 1 solution

  • Write a transformation story for how you get your customers from problem to desired outcome.

Week 4: Create a quick online presence

  • Choose a name that reflects your unique approach

  • Set up a one-page landing page with a clear call-to-action

  • Create a 60-second video pitch if you’re on social media

Week 5: Get paying customers

  • Offer the first 5 customers a special and ask for testimonials

  • Host a free live masterclass on social media to share your expertise and sell your service/product as a special to attendees

  • Test out a pay-what-you-want model to test prices and get your first customers

Here are some way to free up some time:

  1. Wake up 1 hour earlier or go to bed 1 hour later

  2. Use your lunch break productively

  3. Maximize weekends (2.5 hours each day)

  4. Cut 1 hour of TV/social media scrolling daily

Have you ever heard yourself say any of these?

"But I'm too tired after work!"

Solution: Start with just 15 minutes a day.

Build the habit.

Increase gradually.

"I can't focus at home!"

Solution: Find a quiet cafe or library. Change your environment, change your mindset.

"I don't know where to start!"

Solution: You're reading this newsletter. You've already started.

Remember, Jeff Bezos built Amazon while working full-time at a hedge fund.

Sara Blakely created Spanx while selling fax machines door-to-door.

Your 9-to-5 isn't a barrier.

It's your safety net while you build your dream.

So, are you ready to become a 5-Hour Entrepreneur?

If yes, join our WhatsApp Group of 100+ like minded entrepreneurs and start the challenge today!

Get access here (it’s free!):

Let's turn those spare hours into your empire!

Until next time,

Noemi 👋

P.S. Still think you don't have time? Track your activities for a week. You'll be surprised at how much time you can reclaim!