12 tough questions every entrepreneur must answer

(Whether they want to or not)

It’s 4 am. I’m awake. Again.

As an entrepreneur I have endless ideas, questions and reflections.

I’m often woken up by my active mind already planning my day for me.

Here are the deeper, challenging questions that we must all confront:

1. Who will I let challenge my thinking?

Seek out people whose insights you value so much that they make you rethink your stand. It's about surrounding yourself with thinkers who push you to question the norm.

2. How do I define success beyond profits?

Dive deep into what success truly means to you. It's more than just numbers in a bank account; it's about fulfillment, impact, and the joy your work brings.

3. Why have I defined success in the way that I have?

What are your deeper values? Does your success resonate with your core principles and what you value most in life?

4. Where can I find creative inspiration when stuck in daily tasks?

Identify your personal escapes that inspire your creativity. Whether it’s a walk in nature, a chat with a mentor, or diving into a book.

5. How do I build resilience against failure?

Prepare for adversity by developing a toolkit of coping strategies, support networks, and mental strength.

6. What does being a true leader mean to me?

Craft your unique leadership manifesto.

  • What qualities do you value?

  • How do you want to be remembered by your team?

Leadership is personal, and defining it on your terms sets the tone for your journey and legacy.

7. How do I balance my North Star with reality?

It’s about dreaming big but grounding those dreams in actionable steps, being nimble and ready to pivot when necessary without losing sight of your north star.

8. What am I NOT willing to sacrifice for success?

Set boundaries. Clearly identify your non-negotiables. Whether it's your integrity, family time, or health. Knowing what you're not willing to compromise grounds you.

9. What legacy will I create?

Considering the impact you wish to have can guide your decisions.

What makes entrepreneurship so special is the ability to build something that outlasts you, creating value that impacts future generations.

10. How can I keep learning and growing as a leader?

Commit to being a lifelong learner, actively seeking out new experiences, perspectives, and knowledge.

Books, podcasts, courses, lectures and groups.

11. Who am I outside of my business?

Entrepreneurship is an all-in game.

Reflect on your identity beyond your title. It's essential to respect all the dimensions of your life outside your business, to create a balanced and fulfilling life.

12. Why did I start my business?

Revisit the spark that ignited your passion. What’s your why?

Understanding the roots of your commitment can provide new energy and motivation.

Navigating entrepreneurship extends beyond business to personal growth and self-discovery.

These questions help reflect deeply on your values, motivations, and the legacy you aim to leave.

Thanks for reading!

Till next week,


P.S. A friend recommended this book about passion, leadership, and excellence to me, and I've been hooked ever since. See below.